Friday, September 30, 2011

Thoughts From The Back Corner of My Brain: Thanks A Lot for Your Crappy Integration Google

Thoughts From The Back Corner of My Brain: Thanks A Lot for Your Crappy Integration Google: I'm not an Apple hater. Isn't that how people start off their statements just before they go on to prove exactly opposite of what they ju...

Thanks A Lot for Your Crappy Integration Google

I'm not an Apple hater. 

Isn't that how people start off their statements just before they go on to prove exactly opposite of what they just professed?  "I have A LOT of Mexican friends, but let me tell you how they are ruining this country..."

I use a lot of Google products, but I recognize that there are certain things that Google sucks a dick at.  Sometimes I get so frustrated at them that I just want to throw my hands up in the air and go lay down next to the bean pods; start wearing skinny jeans with a black turtle neck and tell everyone how everything they use sucks just because it's not Apple.  I'll get onto my frustrations with most of the Apple crowd in another blog, this one is reserved for the "collective" (spelled G.O.O.G.L.E).

I used to use MobileMe for my email but I decided to switch to Google because MobileMe couldn't give me an SMTP alias for my domain name.  For those of you who actually kissed someone in High School, that means that I wanted to get at the end of my email address.  Unfortunately, Steve couldn't get this done and Google could, if I created a Google Apps account.  Google Apps is the service that Google wants to sell to businesses as their cloud alternative to corporate email.  For email it's almost the same as your GMail account, the difference is that YOU COULDN'T USE IT TO LOG INTO OTHER GOOGLE SERVICES.

"No prob," I thought since Google was promising integration in the near future.  I lived with it for a while but ultimately I HAD to create a GMail account in order to use things like Google Checkout, Google Health, Google Music and (for shame) Google Plus.  That's right.  Google creates services that you can't use if you are a corporate account.  As time has gone on, Google has slowly let you migrate some of the tools over from your GMail account over to your Google Apps account but the process has been slow and extremely painful.

Listen, I get that GMail and Apps were built on different server infrastructures and it is difficult to move everything but c'mon people, you are doing as good a job as a no-armed midget playing in an NBA Finals game.  How does a multi-billion dollar company create NEW products and not say on day one, "Hey Nerdlinger, don't forget about all these people we sold these magic beans to." The latest product to suffer from poor integration is BLOGGER.  The instructions were to create a new account, make my original BLOG shareable, but the problem is that Google disabled that service on September 30th (today!).  Now, I have to ask everyone to re-follow my BLOG and since I pretty much write for myself, this means that I practically have to pay people to read my drivel.

So once again Google, "well tanks for nuttin!"  With forward thinking like this, I am sure that you will probably end up on the same road as RIM some time in the future.  YUCK!